These pages summarize my unfortunate experience with Al Sebastian and his FishFry business.

This story has
grown over
time and
needed some


Guess who showed up with a cheque?

Feb 24/23: Al's court date was scheduled for Feb 24/23 and as expected he didn't show up. The surprising news is that he did show up on Feb 23/23 and apparently paid off the entire amount. The amount he paid was probably the balance as of Oct '22 when those court documents were issued. There might be a few additional items (recent legal fees & interest charges) added to his outstanding balance.
   If all goes well I should see my share of the funds sometime in mid-April. I wonder how he paid? After all, who would accept a cheque from this guy?

Mar 7/23: A nice surprise showed up today. A cheque from the Credit Bureau arrived much sooner than expected.

It's finally over!

This story has
grown over
time and
needed some