Toronto Trip III.b
July 2005
...Molson Indy Weekend...
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Here at last...
Not your average Mini.
The judges??
Where there are cars...'ll find car enthusiasts.
More car enthusiasts.
How do I get a job like his???
Toronto Molson Indy
Out to the races...
Wow.. a seat right at the finish line.. couldn't be better..
...except for...
...the fences (again!).
Some assembly required.
Even more assembly required.
Checkin' the specs.
hhmm.. whatz this??
Valet parking?
A monster grill.
Ford GT (in your face).
What is it about cars, that draws so many people?
Panning, just about makes...
...the fences disappear.
How do I get over there??
New class of racing, Molson Street Cleaners.
Note to the organizers, what about using black fencing in the future?
Updated:July 30, 2005
Toronto weather.
ChampCar Drift Alliance Molsons Molson Indy info ImportFest NoyzBoyz GrandTuner Indianapolis Motor Speedway