
PayPal Payment Process

A guide for customers who would rather pay with a credit card
instead of creating (or using) a PayPal account.

a spacer

Screen #1
This screen appears after you click on a shopping cart.
At this point you can continue shopping or complete your purchase.

paypal screen 1

Screen #2
You can either log in to your PayPal account or select Continue to use your credit card instead.

paypal screen 2

Screen #3
You'll need to fill in your shipping info before continuing or change your mind about using your PayPal account.

paypal screen 3

Screen #4
You won't see this screen if you don't have a PayPal account. They certainly are persistent about using PayPal.

paypal screen 4

Screen #5
The order review page. You can also include any special instructions (like Black & White instead of colour,
"I'll be away, so don't send until next week" or "leave at back door", etc.) on this page.

paypal screen 5

Screen #6
The order confirmation page.

paypal screen 6

April 9, 2009

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