Canadian Railway Operating Rules
(CROR) Signals & Interpretations

Standard Interpretation

Signal Type:

"Kicker" Calculator

• What are the maximum number of brake checks that should be required to determine which railcar has a brake problem (aka "Kicker")?

of railcars:

Max brake 

 * * This feature is only available in the app * * 

Signals Tutorial (YouTube)

  Feb 5/19: I came across these videos on YouTube presented by a railroader living in Alberta. They do a great job of explaining Canadian Railroad signals.
  * Part 1: The basic three light system.
  * Part 2: 1 and 2 head systems.
  * Part 3: Diverging and Limited speeds, to and at signals.
  * Part 4: Dwarf (Low-Mast) signals.

Odds 'n Ends

get the app at google play. The 'app' has several advantages over the web-based version:
 • it's completely standalone and doesn't require an internet connection,
 • has additional features (Full, Basic & Full-NB modes are available, plus the Kicker Calculator),
 • expanded help files,
 • additional internet based resources,
 • has been updated to include the latest CROR rules & regs as of Oct 1/22 (like the ###A rules).

 • This web-based version is based on the Feb 26/08 edition of the Canadian Rail Operating Rules which came into effect on May 28/08 and may contain outdated information.
 • An iOS version is currently not available.

Legal stuff:
  This utility is for your convenience and entertainment. I created it during my railway freight conductor course in 2012 to assist me with learning the signal patterns and their definitions. I do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Copyright Rob Chandler 2012.